Former New York State Senator Hiram Monserrate has found a way to keep his name news.
The deposed Queens senator is still using his state-issued parking placard, according to reports -- a placard he should have returned six months ago when he was expelled by from the state senate.
Recently, the New York Post spotted his silver Honda outside his campaign office. The car was parked legally in front of his Queens campaign headquarters where he is currently overseeing his run for State Assembly. The Post noted the vehicle still was still using the official parking placard.
And officials say they've been trying to get the free pass back.
"The Senate has twice attempted to get Hiram Monserrate to return his placard, and both times our requests went unanswered," Senate spokesman Austin Shafran told the Post.
Officials have even reportedly considered handing over the matter to the New York State Police.
The placard is distributed by the Senate but is officially issued by the New York State Office of Homeland Security. It allows the former senator to park in metered spaces without paying, and in no-standing zones. The permit does not expire until February of next year.
All Senate staffers are required to return the parking perks upon leaving Albany, Senate spokesman Austin Shafran said.
"We'd like to give him every opportunity to return the placards, but that's an option that may be considered if it's not returned," said Shafran.
Monserrate's people couldn't explain their boss' behavior.
"I really don't know why," Mike Nieves Monserrate's campaign spokesman told the Post.
Nieves also emphasized that the placard is legal and that he could not reach the candidate to get an answer as to why he is still using the placard.