Commuting Keeps New Yorkers Fit

Hey, New York, congratulations. You're probably being physically active just by commuting.

In fact, a new report from New York City's Department of Health shows New Yorkers get more physical activity through transportation than planned recreation. According to the report:

  • On average, people who walk or bike to work get more than an hour of active transportation time daily.
  • New Yorkers who walk or bike to work get more than 40 minutes more combined transportation and recreation physical activity per day than those who use a personal car or taxi.
  • New Yorkers who take public transportation for most of their commute get almost half an hour more daily combined transportation and recreation physical activity than those who use a personal car or taxi.

Moderate activities like these carry huge health benefits, according to DOH: Regular brisk walking or biking for a half hour every weekday reduces diabetes risk by 30 percent, lowers premature death risk by 20 percent, and cuts heart disease risk.

So keep looking for the little ways to sneak in more activity throughout your day -- bike or walk to school, work or store; hop off the subway a stop or two early and walk the rest of the way -- and you'll be clocking activity time that count toward your health.

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